Enemies Under Your Feet: The Northern Reaches

The northern area of Israel contains some of the most interesting historical and biblical sites, from the ancient gates of Dan, to the mountain springs of Caesarea Philippi, to the volcanic remains of the Bashan. These sites stand out not only for the places where the Biblical account intersects with history, but also for the

The Lowlands: Where Legends are Made

Just west of the Hill Country of Judah there is a stretch of lower hills and wide valleys that often became a major point of entry for merchants, traveler’s and invading armies, such as Philistines on the Coastal Plain, and the larger kingdoms of Egypt, Assyria, and Babylon. These lowlands, Shephelah in Hebrew, held the

Joshua, Jordan, Jericho, and the Day the Sun Stood Still

The Book of Joshua details the Israelites conquest and inheritance of the Promised Land. It begins on the shores of the Jordan River, and in chapter three, Joshua has the preists lead the Israelites across the Jordan, with a miracle that echoes the crossing of the Red Sea, and Israelites cross the Jordan on dry